When Can Women Serve as Witnesses?
Women are entrusted with the most crucial roles in Jewish life. Raising and educating children, ensuring the standard of kashrut …
Chuldah: A Woman of Vision, Prayer and Prophecy
Though her story may be lesser known, her prophecy in many ways depicts the modest greatness and historic impact of female leadership…
Tu Bishvat, Trees and Teshuva
Trees are often seen as symbols of life, growth, and spiritual development…
What Is the Connection Between Tu Bishvat and Shabbat Shira?
Through the Jewish cycle of the year, we often find that Shabbat Shira falls around the same time of Tu Bishvat…
Queen of Sheba: Pursuing Wisdom for Its Own Sake
The Queen of Sheba, mentioned at the beginning of Melachim and again in Divrei Hayamim, is a historical figure…
Beshalach: The Tambourines and Jewish Women’s Unshakable Faith
Parshat Beshalach opens with the Egyptian pursuit of the Jews into the desert, and the splitting of the Red Sea…