Benvenide Abravanel: A Woman of Nobility and Altruism
Despite 200 years of Jewish persecution in the Iberian Peninsula, several generations of the Abravanel family flourished with Torah scholarship, wealth, and influence…
Devarim and Tisha B’av: Turning Hatred into Love
Parshat Devarim begins Moshe’s repetition of the Torah to the Jewish people. In his speech, Moshe recaps the journey the nation have taken from Egypt to Mount Sinai…
Why Do We Mourn on Tisha B’Av?
Tisha b’Av is a day synonymous with sorrow and grief. We mark the day by fasting, refraining from washing, from wearing leather shoes, from greeting one another, and so much more…
Is Jealousy Always an Undesirable Trait?
Is jealousy inherently negative? At first glance, it seems so, especially when we’re encouraged to be content with what we have and in our life circumstances…
What Is Dat Yehudit?
The halachot and practices of tzniut are often the topic of confusion. While there is much room for personal expression, there are some guidelines that provide the framework for what is considered modest conduct…
Flora Sassoon: India’s Scholar and Businesswoman
Bombay — present-day Mumbai — was a bustling, growing home to many distinct Jewish communities in the year 1856, when Flora Sassoon was born there…