Untangling the Issue of Mamzer
In Halacha, there are two types of Mitzvot; Mishpatim and chukot. While Mishpatim are logical at first glance, chukot are mysterious and their reasoning is usually unclear…
Vaetchanan: Respect, the Central Theme of the 10 Commandments
In this week’s parsha, we read a repetition of the Aseret Hadibrot, the 10 commandments. Fundamentals such as belief in Hashem and no other force, observance of Shabbat and controlling thoughts of jealousy…
Tisha B’Av: The Secrets of Jewish Tears
The Megilla of Eicha which we read on Tisha B’av is a devastating Megilla, detailing how a glorious and beautiful Yerushalayim fell into complete ruin and loss…
Jewish Mourning: Feeling the Pain While Continuing Life
Jewish law has a recipe for all aspects of life. For each stage of life, there are laws and customs that help us to approach, adapt to, and learn from whatever we are facing, from a Torah point of view…
Galut, Geula, and the Status of Women
Galut is a state of separation. The Jewish People are astray, fractured, lost from our purpose and detached from the setting within which our mission can be fulfilled…
What You Didn’t Know About Judging One Favorably
Have you recently observed someone encroaching on the boundaries of halacha or ethics? Judging one’s fellow favorably is arguably a mitzvah and obligatory…