Good Guilt, Bad Guilt: An In-Depth Guide on the Steps of Teshuva
The steps of teshuva are clearly defined and intensely meaningful to put into practice…
Ani Le’Dodi V’Dodi Li: Doing Teshuva Out of Love
Approaching teshuva with love transforms it into a more profound and genuine process…
Shoftim: Internalizing Our Strengths and Weaknesses
The first step of our teshuva journey is not even the teshuva itself, but developing the awareness of our habits and behaviors…
Mashpia vs Mekabel: Exploring the Feminine Virtue of Receiving
In a world of givers and takers, very few people want to be perceived as takers…
What Shabbat Teaches us About Jewish Vacation
The Jewish view of time is that it is our most precious commodity. We are enjoined to maximize every moment to its fullest…
Is Being Organized a Mitzva?
In short, the answer is no – being organized is not one of the 613 commandments…