Elul: Cultivating True Love for Hashem
In Chapter 10 of Hilchot Teshuva, the Rambam explores the theme of loving Hashem. In Mishna 1, he outlines the attitudes and mindsets that one should avoid when serving Hashem…
Selichot: Peeling Away the Layers Over Our Hearts
As we enter the Yamim Noraim, the Days of Awe, the songs on our lips are the poignant words of the Selichot…
Emma Lazarus, Poet and Patriot
Her writings were unabashedly Jewish, rich with Biblical references and replete with its values. She romanticized the old world, the “towns and temples” of traditional European observance…
Ki Tavo: How to Battle Against Sichon
At the end of the parsha, Moshe reminds the people of the miracles Hashem performed for them. From leaving Egypt, to receiving manna from Heaven – and the wars with Sichon, King of Cheshbon and Og, King of Bashan…
Forgiveness Lessons from the Story of Yosef
Forgiveness and teshuva (repentance) are the focal points of the months of Elul and Tishrei…
Does Hashem Expect Us to Be Flawless?
Nowhere does Judaism tell us that we have to be perfect (holy, yes, flawless, no)…