Jewish Mourning: Feeling the Pain While Continuing Life
Jewish law has a recipe for all aspects of life. For each stage of life, there are laws and customs that help us to approach, adapt to, and learn from whatever we are facing, from a Torah point of view…
Galut, Geula, and the Status of Women
Galut is a state of separation. The Jewish People are astray, fractured, lost from our purpose and detached from the setting within which our mission can be fulfilled…
What You Didn’t Know About Judging One Favorably
Have you recently observed someone encroaching on the boundaries of halacha or ethics? Judging one’s fellow favorably is arguably a mitzvah and obligatory…
Benvenide Abravanel: A Woman of Nobility and Altruism
Despite 200 years of Jewish persecution in the Iberian Peninsula, several generations of the Abravanel family flourished with Torah scholarship, wealth, and influence…
Devarim and Tisha B’av: Turning Hatred into Love
Parshat Devarim begins Moshe’s repetition of the Torah to the Jewish people. In his speech, Moshe recaps the journey the nation have taken from Egypt to Mount Sinai…
Why Do We Mourn on Tisha B’Av?
Tisha b’Av is a day synonymous with sorrow and grief. We mark the day by fasting, refraining from washing, from wearing leather shoes, from greeting one another, and so much more…