Cracking Up a Joke: A Torah Perspective on Laughter
Humor is part and parcel of Jewish life; both to cope with our 3000 year old (plus!) history of ups and downs…
A Married Woman Taking On Her Husband’s Customs
The concept of minhag is a vast one with a wide spectrum of authority and functions…
Guarding the Gates: Eyes and Heart
The sixth and final of the six constant mitzvot is the commandment, “Do not be misled by your heart and eyes.”
Esthet On Ben Pelet: How a Woman Can Save Her Husband from Sin
Abraham Lincoln once said: “A house divided against itself cannot stand…”
Vayishlach: The Holiness of Simplicity
At the beginning of this week’s parsha, the pasuk tells us ‘vayivater yaakov levado,’ that Yaakov was left alone…
A Torah Approach to Clothing: Enhancement or Treachery?
Immediately after Adam and Chava’s sin, the Torah tells us that they realised they were naked (3:7)…