What Shabbat Teaches us About Jewish Vacation
The Jewish view of time is that it is our most precious commodity. We are enjoined to maximize every moment to its fullest…
Is Being Organized a Mitzva?
In short, the answer is no – being organized is not one of the 613 commandments…
Leah: The True Value of Gratitude
Every Jewish schoolchild knows that the very first word out of our mouths each morning is “Modeh ani.”
Faith, Resilience and Audacity: The True Story of Bais Yaakov Girls in the Death Camps
In the center of Krakow stands an odd-looking statue. Not of an ancient king, or respected noble, but of a gnarled, writhing dragon…
Re’eh: Tzedaka, the Feminine Way
When it comes to tzedaka, the Torah’s commandment is twofold. The pasuk tells us not to harden our heart nor to withhold our hand (Devarim 15:7)…
Why Are Women Exempt from Positive Time-Bound Mitzvot?
Much controversy has surrounded women’s exemption from positive time-bound mitzvot, totalling 14 comma…