The Role and Significance of the Rabbanim and Sages
Judaism is a religion of laws – halacha. Through keeping and learning our laws, we are constantly involved in our relationship with Hashem…
Good Guilt, Bad Guilt: An In-Depth Guide on the Steps of Teshuva
The steps of teshuva are clearly defined and intensely meaningful to put into practice…
Ani Le’Dodi V’Dodi Li: Doing Teshuva Out of Love
Approaching teshuva with love transforms it into a more profound and genuine process…
Who Was Tzipora, the Wife of Moshe, the Greatest of All Prophets?
Imagine what outstanding middot and refined qualities a girl would need to possess to be worthy of marrying Moshe Rabbeinu…
Shoftim: Internalizing Our Strengths and Weaknesses
The first step of our teshuva journey is not even the teshuva itself, but developing the awareness of our habits and behaviors…
Mashpia vs Mekabel: Exploring the Feminine Virtue of Receiving
In a world of givers and takers, very few people want to be perceived as takers…