How Can We Celebrate Simchat Torah This Year?
We feel guilty to celebrate when there are still precious members of our nation held hostage…
Can a Woman Dance with a Sefer Torah?
Communal dancing to celebrate Simchat Torah dates back as far as Geonic times, but the practice looked quite different to today…
Simchat Torah: Happy Wife, Happy Life!
Rabbi Tanhum quotes Rabbi Hanilai, who said that a man who lives without a wife lives without blessing, goodness, and true joy…
What Is the Nature of Simchat Torah’s Joy?
A woman can tap into the joy of Simchat Torah when she wants to plan a family outing – and she schedules it around her husband’s davening and learning schedule…
Bereshit: The Purpose of Chava’s Curses
In the same way that we view the curses as a guide for the woman’s quest to self-perfection, we can also present the three primary mitzvot of women in this way…
Sukkot: Dating Lessons in Vulnerability and Unity
On Sukkot, we leave the security of our homes and move into a temporary dwelling…