The Halachic and Emotional Implications of Redeeming Captives
“There is no mitzvah greater than redeeming captives… Every moment that redeeming is delayed, it’s like spilling their blood”…
First Wave: Do Feminism and Torah Go Hand in Hand?
Feminism is a complex and evolving social and political movement that has gone through several waves…
Devorah: Judge, Prophetess & Mother
The prophetess Devorah is a most intriguing, but also an elusive, female character in Tanach…
Emuna & Bitachon: Distinction, Interdependence, and the Path to True Avodat Hashem
Emuna can be understood as a broad, general belief or theoretical conviction in Hashem…
Who Was Tzipora, the Wife of Moshe, the Greatest of All Prophets?
Imagine what outstanding middot and refined qualities a girl would need to possess to be worthy of marrying Moshe Rabbeinu…
Va’era: Overcoming Our Nature Like Frogs!
On the major scale, we have women like Yehudit or Yael, who put their lives at risk for the safety of Am Yisrael…