Biblical Women and Music: A Love Story
Music is a gateway to one of the most transcendent experiences we can have in Olam Hazeh…
Explaining Motherhood and Nurture Through Avraham’s Chesed
How do we, as women, emulate his Chesed in our lives?..
Shatnez: The Balance between Chesed and Gevurah
Shatnez is the Torah prohibition of wearing garments made of a combination of sheep’s wool and flax linen…
The Defilement of Speech: The Spiritual Dangers of Crude Language
Nivul peh literally translates to “a disgusting mouth” and refers not only to crude, profane language…
Kimchis, Tzniut and Kohanim
I close the door to their room softly, breathe a huge sigh of relief and look around at my living space which resembles a toy tornado…
Chayei Sarah: Contrasting the Greatness of Sarah and Rivka
The parsha which records Sara Imeinu’s passing is the parsha which is called ‘Chayei Sara,’ the life of Sara…