Rebbetzin Bruria Hutner David: What’s In A Name?
Rebbetzin Bruria David was born in 1938 to her parents Rav Yitzchak and Masha Hutner and was their only child…
Good Parent, Bad Parent: Lessons on Parenting from Tanach Characters
Torah is our guidebook for life…
Contrasting the Educational Paths of Torah Study and Secular Learning
In a world often obsessed with outcomes and measurable results, the concept of learning for its own sake can seem almost foreign…
The Mechitza: A Structure for Empowerment and Intention
The mechitza; it’s one of the most noted, and contested structures in our synagogues today…
Teruma: The Role of Physical Beauty in Judaism
From Parshat Teruma onwards, the focus of Sefer Shemot shifts from Egypt to Sinai to the construction of the Mishkan and its accompanying avoda…