Purim: The Holiday of Ultimate Trust in Hashem
The Purim story thus reminds us that, even in challenging times, we should look beyond the surface…
7 Ways to Increase Your Joy in Adar
Happiness is not something we have to force or chase—it’s actually our natural state…
What Is So Wrong About Amalek?
We are introduced to Amalek in the first battle they wage against klal yisrael during their journey through the Midbar…
Woman’s Obligation to Hear Megilla
Since the women experienced the Purim miracle, they are obligated by its mitzvot…
Esther’s Request to Establish the Holiday of Purim
The Talmud records a fascinating conversation between Esther and the members of the Sanhedrin…
Purim as the Counterpart of Matan Torah
Starting with Parashat Yitro and Matan Torah… we find many connections to the month of Adar and Purim…