Pesach Cleaning: A Deep Spiritual Experience
Even without deep spiritual kavanot, the cleaning itself is incredibly holy…
Lessons of Faith in Kriyat Yam Suf
The Jewish people have finally been freed after 210 years of slavery. They stand poised to begin their lives in the Promised Land…
Contrasting Women and the Sefira of Gevura
The world was created and infused with different middot with which to guide and instruct human actions and choices…
The Omer: Counting Each Day and Making Each Day Count
Although we refer to this time period as ‘the Omer’, this term is actually a measurement…
Contrasting Women and The Sefira of Chesed
The period of the counting of the Omer brings with it an opportunity to work on ourselves, increasing each day in our readiness to receive the Torah.
A Feminine Perspective on Matza
The bread of faith which fills the stomach of every Jew over Pesach is more than just an unleavened cracker.