The Halachot of Tisha B’Av
Many terrible tragedies befell the Jewish people on this day, from the destruction of both our Batei Mikdash…
Why is our Mourning More Lenient on the Afternoon of Tisha B’av ?
The Jewish teaching is that the worst evil is the very source for the greatest light…
Tisha B’Av: The Secrets of Jewish Tears
The Megilla of Eicha which we read on Tisha B’av is a devastating Megilla, detailing how a glorious and beautiful Yerushalayim fell into complete ruin and loss…
Jewish Mourning: Feeling the Pain While Continuing Life
Jewish law has a recipe for all aspects of life. For each stage of life, there are laws and customs that help us to approach, adapt to, and learn from whatever we are facing, from a Torah point of view…
Why Do We Mourn on Tisha B’Av?
Tisha b’Av is a day synonymous with sorrow and grief. We mark the day by fasting, refraining from washing, from wearing leather shoes, from greeting one another, and so much more…
A Feminine Perspective on the 17th Tammuz
The Netivot Shalom divides the year into two parts. One part, beginning on Purim with wiping out Amalek…