Purim as the Counterpart of Matan Torah
SIt would appear that the acceptance of the Torah at Har Sinai was one under duress, by means of coercion…
Esther’s Request to Establish the Holiday of Purim
The Talmud records a fascinating conversation between Esther and the members of the Sanhedrin regarding the establishment of the holiday of Purim…
Purim: The Holiday of Ultimate Trust in Hashem
On Purim, we’re all very busy celebrating the festival through the four mitzvot associated with the day…
Feminine Lessons from Tu Bishvat
Unless you live in Australia, you’re likely wearing muted winter colours and textures…
Tu B’shvat: Failure Is a Catalyst for Growth
As the winter in Israel begins to fade, and Shvat heralds in the promise of spring, we celebrate Tu B’shvat – the Rosh Hashana of the trees.
The Interconnection between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
Rosh Chodesh Elul marks the beginning of our focus on teshuva, leading up to the Yamim Noraim and the Aseret Yemei Teshuva.