10 Things I Learned From My Newborn

Having a baby is a busy time in one’s life โ€“ and doesn’t leave too much leftover for learning Torah. Nevertheless, over these last 7 weeks since I gave birth, I have found myself learning from the deepest sefer of all: my baby. Here are some of the lessons I’ve picked up…

If I could bless us all with one ability that our babies have, I would bless us that we should feel loved, nurtured and protected by Hashem in the same way we wish our children to feel by us. Just like we want our children to be secure in the knowledge that we have their best interests at heart, may we feel secure in the knowledge that we can always trust in Hashem. 

One response to “10 Things I Learned From My Newborn”

  1. Absolutely beautiful article ! Very inspiring . Loved it