
Dayan Shlomo Cohen

Dayan Shlomo Cohen, originally from London, is the Rabbi of Tzofia. He oversees the content and ensures its proper hashkafic and halachic suitability. Dayan Cohen came to Israel after qualifying as an accountant and working as a financial consultant in the City of London. In Israel, Dayan Cohen graduated from Yeshivat HaNegev after receiving semicha from its Rosh Yeshivah, HaRav Yissachar Meir, and went on to qualify as a dayan after spending close to a decade studying dayanut under Dayan Ezra Batsri. Dayan Cohen went on to serve as a dayan on the bet din of “Ahavat Shalom”, under the auspices of HaRav Naftali Nusbaum and HaRav Yaakov Hillel, where he served for fifteen years. During that time, Dayan Cohen wrote his books “Pure Money ยป, volume 1&2, which have become textbooks for students of Jewish Monetary Law.

Rabbi Cohen has been teaching Halacha for several years at Neve Yerushalayim, one of the largest Torah institutions for English-speaking women. Rabbi Cohenโ€™s extensive Torah knowledge and balanced outlook on life makes him a very important Rabbinical asset for Tzofia.

Liora Rosenblatt

Liora Rosenblatt is the Founder and Director of Tzofia. She is originally from Montreal, and made Aliyah to Jerusalem 6 years ago. Liora has extensive writing, editing and project management experience, and a very deep passion for Torah and Kiruv. The Womenโ€™s role and place in Judaism has always been close to her heart, and Tzofia is an outgrowth of her years of passion and connection to Emet.

Tamara Klein

Tamara Klein (born Ezekiel) is a creative content writer, specializing in Torah and lifestyle articles for Tzofia, as well as Binah Magazine. Tamara also works as a grantwriter, helping Jewish charities with funding.

Chevy Weiss

Chevy Weiss is a shadchan, community activist, and an active writer. She is a 30-year consultant and strategist for American politicians, serves as a marketing and public relations specialist for corporations and nonprofits around the world, and does academic research and writing in a number of fields, including psychology and education.

Talia Goodkin

Talia Goodkin grew up and lives in London, UK. She is currently pursuing a degree in Jewish education. Talia has taught Jewish Studies in multiple schools, lead programmes for Jewish youth movements and Shuls, and given high-level talks on Torah topics to adults across the London community.

Talia is passionate about uplifting people by sharing the beauty, depth, and relevance of Torah, and is grateful for the opportunity to write for Tzofia.

Mindel Kassorla

Mindel Kassorla, originally from Woodmere NY, has been working in seminaries in Eretz Yisrael for over a decade. She lectures for women at all stages and is a popular columnist for Mishpacha Magazine. As a Shadchan and dating coach, she guides her students with empathy and wisdom. Mrs. Kassorla lives with her husband, Rabbi Naftali Kassorla, and their three children in Jerusalem.

Leah Steinberg

Leah Steinberg is a pen name. Leah works for a large Jewish nonprofit and writes for a magazine for Jewish women. She is passionate about writing and using the challenges Hashem gives us to foster creativity, grow, and help others. Leah is married and lives outside Jerusalem.

Michal Caplan

Michal Caplan has a BA in English and an MSW. She spent a decade working as a clinical social worker. She then focused on promoting wellness for women and brides through blogging and coaching. Michal currently lives in Memphis, TN with her husband and two children. She enjoys volunteering in the community, learning Torah, and baking.