Read more: Are Women Obligated in Birkat Hamazon?A remarkable element of Jewish life is how in our everyday acts we are offered the opportunity to connect to Hashem and show gratitude for what He has blessed us with. An expression of this is in the commandment to thank Hashem both before and after we eat. The mitzvah of birkat hamazon (the after blessing over food) is a deorayta (Torah) level mitzvah. It is not one of the positive time bound mitzvot women are exempt from, and therefore, one would be likely to assume that women and men are equally obligated…
Read more: Bal Tashchit & Going Green: A Torah PerspectiveA story is told of the young Rav Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch, out walking one day alongside his father…
Read more: Hagar: The Consequences of False JudgementsโNow Sarai, Abram’s wife, had not borne to him, and she had an Egyptian handmaid named Hagar”…