Read more: Kinyan and Ketuba: Is the Wife the Property of Her Husband?The Ketuba takes pride of place under every Jewish chuppa throughout history. Yet, it is often misunderstood as a declaration of love or a Jewish version of wedding vows. In truth, the Ketuba is essentially an insurance contract which forms the legal basis of the Jewish marriage. The ketuba lists the husband’s obligations towards his wife including providing her with food, clothing and pleasure as well as protecting her financially in case of death or divorce. Maurice Lamm points out that the ketuba is written in the legalistic language of Aramaic…
Read more: Why is Hashem Referred to as Male in Torah?For every question in Judaism, there are answers on any number of layers. Often, the deepest approaches challenge us to confront the premise of the question itself…
Read more: Ima Shalom: When Womanhood Is WholeThe Torah introduces the remarkable role of a woman, specifically within the framework of marriage, with Sarah…